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  1. '''
  2. 0401 PA05
  3. 21800279 Seonyeong Park
  4. Polyomino Puzzle: To find a solution of puzzle for given polyominos
  5. '''
  6. import numpy as np
  7. import math
  8. import copy
  10. #input
  11. n = int(input())
  12. blocks = []
  13. count = 0
  14. for i in range(n):
  15. h,w = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
  16. blocks.append([(h,w)])
  17. for j in range(h):
  18. line = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
  19. for b in line:
  20. if b == 1:
  21. count+=1
  22. blocks[i].append(line)
  24. def check(c):
  25. s = math.sqrt(c)
  26. if s == int(s):
  27. for block in blocks:
  28. for line in block[0]:
  29. if line > s:
  30. return False
  31. return int(s)
  32. return False
  34. def puzzle(num,ans,row,col):
  35. b = blocks[num]
  36. h,w = b[0]
  37. res = copy.deepcopy(ans)
  38. for i in range(h):
  39. for j in range(w):
  40. if b[i+1][j] == 1:
  41. if ans[row+i][col+j] == 0:
  42. res[row+i][col+j] = num+1
  43. else:
  44. return False
  45. for i in range(side):
  46. for j in range(side):
  47. if res[i][j] == 0:
  48. return [res, i, j]
  49. return [res, i, j]
  51. def polyomino(pro,ans,num=0,row=0,col=0,put=[],turn=0):
  52. if len(put) == n:
  53. return ans
  54. if turn == n:
  55. return False
  56. if num == n: num -= n
  57. block = blocks[num]
  58. if num in put:
  59. if num == put[-1]:
  60. ans, row, col = copy.deepcopy(pro[len(put)-1])
  61. if num == turn:
  62. turn +=1
  63. return polyomino(pro[:-1], ans, num+1,row,col,put[:-1],turn)
  64. else:
  65. return polyomino(pro,ans,num+1,row,col,put,turn)
  66. h,w = block[0]
  67. if row+h > side:
  68. return polyomino(pro,ans,num+1,row,col,put,turn)
  69. else:
  70. start = 0 if col+1-w <= 0 else col+1-w
  71. result = puzzle(num,ans,row,start)
  72. while result == False and start+w < side :
  73. start += 1
  74. result = puzzle(num,ans,row,start)
  75. if result == False:
  76. return polyomino(pro,ans,num+1,row,col,put,turn)
  77. else:
  78. put.append(num)
  79. pro.append(result)
  80. ans, row, col = result
  81. return polyomino(pro,ans, num+1,row,col,put,turn)
  83. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  84. side = check(count) #the side of the panel
  85. if side == False:
  86. print("No solution possible")
  87. else:
  88. process = []
  89. answer = np.zeros([side,side], dtype="i").tolist()
  90. process.append([copy.deepcopy(answer),0,0])
  91. answer = polyomino(process,answer)
  92. if answer == False:
  93. print("No solution possible")
  94. else:
  95. for line in answer:
  96. print(' '.join(map(str, line)))
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