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  1. # your code goes here
  2. print("There it is. That old familiar taste of bile and the pulse up the back of your neck that only the paralyzing slash of a blade can deaden.")
  3. print("You recognize the small voice in the back of your mind telling you it’s time to wake up, but that voice is being a godsdamn asshole right now.")
  4. print("Still, you manage to force your eyelids open, letting a horrid light pour in that burns like a thousand acid-laced needles.And not in the nice way.")
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 6996KB
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There it is. That old familiar taste of bile and the pulse up the back of your neck that only the paralyzing slash of a blade can deaden.
You recognize the small voice in the back of your mind telling you it’s time to wake up, but that voice is being a godsdamn asshole right now.
Still, you manage to force your eyelids open, letting a horrid light pour in that burns like a thousand acid-laced needles.And not in the nice way.