fork download
  1. "Emit method source for class Random."
  3. Random methodDictionary do: [:each |
  4. each methodSourceString displayNl].
  5. !
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 8184KB
Standard input is empty
between: low and: high [
	"Return a random integer between low and high."

	<category: 'basic'>
	| i range |
	range := high - low + 1.
	i := (self next * range) truncated.
	^i + low
chiSquare [
	"Compute the chi-square of the random that this class generates."

	"the previous algorithm's chi-square was 93.4"

	<category: 'testing'>
	^self chiSquare: 1000 range: 100
chiSquare: n range: r [
	"Return the chi-square deduced from calculating n random
	 numbers in the 0..r range."

	<category: 'testing'>
	| f t seed |
	seed := 0.1234567.
	f := Array new: r + 1.
	1 to: r + 1 do: [:i | f at: i put: 0].
	n timesRepeat: 
		[seed := (seed + Float pi) squared squared fractionPart.
		t := (seed * r) truncated.
		f at: t + 1 put: (f at: t + 1) + 1].
	t := 0.
	1 to: r do: [:i | t := t + (f at: i) squared].
	^r asFloat * t / n - n
nextPut: value [
	<category: 'basic'>
	self shouldNotImplement
atEnd [
	"This stream never ends. Always answer false."

	<category: 'basic'>
setSeed [
	"Private - Set a random number seed."

	<category: 'private'>
	seed := Time primSecondClock bitXor: Time millisecondClock.
	seed := seed + (Time primNanosecondClock \\ 1000000).
	seed := (seed / 4194303.0) fractionPart.
	self next.
	self next
seed: aFloat [
	"Private - Set the random number seed to aFloat.
	 Ensure decent results even when integers are passed"

	<category: 'private'>
	seed := (aFloat / 100000.0 + aFloat) fractionPart.
	self next.
	self next
next [
	"Return the next random number in the sequence."

	"Found on an obscure Japanese manual. Turns out to be good!"

	<category: 'basic'>
	^seed := (seed + Float pi) squared squared fractionPart