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  1. Type RET on a type label to view its full documentation.
  3. Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp
  4. Command: Search for a regexp through all marked buffers using
  5. Isearch.
  6. Info-search-whitespace-regexp
  7. User option: If non-nil, regular expression to match a sequence of
  8. whitespace chars.
  9. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  10. variable-documentation
  11. comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp
  12. Command: Search for a regular expression backward in input history
  13. using Isearch.
  14. company-search-flex-regexp
  15. Function: (not documented)
  16. company-search-regexp-function
  17. User option: Function to construct the search regexp from input.
  18. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  19. variable-documentation
  20. company-search-words-in-any-order-regexp
  21. Function: (not documented)
  22. company-search-words-regexp
  23. Function: (not documented)
  24. dired-do-isearch-regexp
  25. Command: Search for a regexp through all marked files using Isearch.
  26. Properties: autoload
  27. dired-isearch-filenames-regexp
  28. Command: Search for a regexp using Isearch only in file names in the
  29. Dired buffer.
  30. Properties: autoload
  31. evil-ex-search-vim-style-regexp
  32. User option: If non-nil Vim-style backslash codes are supported in
  33. search patterns.
  34. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  35. variable-documentation
  36. evil-regexp-search
  37. User option:
  38. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  39. variable-documentation
  40. find-tag-regexp-search-function
  41. Variable: Search function passed to ‘find-tag-in-order’ for finding
  42. a regexp tag.
  43. Properties: variable-documentation
  44. he-line-search-regexp
  45. Function: (not documented)
  46. history-isearch-backward-regexp
  47. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  48. modifier-cache
  49. ibuffer-do-isearch-regexp
  50. Command: Perform a ‘isearch-forward-regexp’ in marked buffers.
  51. Properties: autoload
  52. isearch--describe-regexp-mode
  53. Function: Make a string for describing REGEXP-FUNCTION.
  54. isearch--lax-regexp-function-p
  55. Function: Non-nil if next regexp-function call should be lax.
  56. isearch-backward-regexp
  57. Command: Do incremental search backward for regular expression.
  58. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  59. modifier-cache
  60. isearch-filenames-regexp
  61. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  62. modifier-cache
  63. isearch-forward-regexp
  64. Command: Do incremental search forward for regular expression.
  65. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  66. modifier-cache
  67. isearch-highlight-regexp
  68. Command: Run ‘highlight-regexp’ with regexp from the current search
  69. string.
  70. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  71. modifier-cache
  72. isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp
  73. Variable: (not documented)
  74. isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-function
  75. Variable: (not documented)
  76. isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-lax-whitespace
  77. Variable: (not documented)
  78. isearch-new-regexp-function
  79. Variable: Holds the next ‘isearch-regexp-function’ inside
  80. ‘with-isearch-suspended’.
  81. Properties: variable-documentation
  82. isearch-query-replace-regexp
  83. Command: Start ‘query-replace-regexp’ with string to replace from
  84. last search string.
  85. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  86. modifier-cache
  87. isearch-regexp
  88. Variable: (not documented)
  89. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  90. modifier-cache
  91. isearch-regexp-function
  92. Variable: Regexp-based search mode for words/symbols.
  93. Properties: variable-documentation
  94. isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
  95. Variable: If non-nil, a space will match a sequence of whitespace
  96. chars.
  97. Properties: variable-documentation
  98. isearch-symbol-regexp
  99. Function: Return a regexp which matches STRING as a symbol.
  100. Properties: isearch-message-prefix :advertised-binding
  101. event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  102. modifier-cache
  103. isearch-toggle-regexp
  104. Command: Toggle regexp searching on or off.
  105. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  106. modifier-cache
  107. multi-isearch-buffers-regexp
  108. Command: Start multi-buffer regexp Isearch on a list of BUFFERS.
  109. multi-isearch-files-regexp
  110. Command: Start multi-buffer regexp Isearch on a list of FILES.
  111. popup-isearch-regexp-builder-function
  112. User option: Function used to construct a regexp from a pattern. You
  113. may for instance
  114. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  115. variable-documentation
  116. regexp-search
  117. Properties: event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  118. modifier-cache
  119. regexp-search-ring
  120. Variable: List of regular expression search string sequences.
  121. Properties: variable-documentation
  122. regexp-search-ring-max
  123. User option: Maximum length of regexp search ring before oldest
  124. elements are thrown away.
  125. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-requests
  126. variable-documentation
  127. regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer
  128. Variable: Index in ‘regexp-search-ring’ of last string reused.
  129. Properties: variable-documentation
  130. rmail-search-last-regexp
  131. Variable: (not documented)
  132. search-backward-regexp
  133. Command: Search backward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
  134. Properties: modifier-cache
  135. search-forward-regexp
  136. Command: Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
  137. Properties: modifier-cache
  138. search-spaces-regexp
  139. Variable: Regexp to substitute for bunches of spaces in regexp
  140. search.
  141. Properties: variable-documentation
  142. search-whitespace-regexp
  143. User option: If non-nil, regular expression to match a sequence of
  144. whitespace chars.
  145. Properties: standard-value custom-type custom-version
  146. custom-requests variable-documentation
  147. word-search-regexp
  148. Function: Return a regexp which matches words, ignoring punctuation.
  149. Properties: isearch-message-prefix :advertised-binding
  150. event-symbol-element-mask event-symbol-elements
  151. modifier-cache
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