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  1. object Main extends App {
  2. class Privates {
  3. private val a: Int = 5;
  4. private[this] val b: String = "aaa";
  6. def equalsByA(that: Privates): Boolean =
  7. a == that.a
  9. def equalsByB(that: Privates): Boolean =
  10. b == that.b
  11. }
  12. }
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0.45s 44788KB
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compilation info
Main.scala:10: error: value b is not a member of Main.Privates
			b == that.b
one error found
spoj: The program compiled successfully, but Main.class was not found.
      Class Main should contain method: def main(args: Array[String]).
Standard output is empty